How To Charge Fitbit Without Charger?

It’s a common scenario: you’ve misplaced or forgotten your Fitbit charger, and now you’re in a bit of a bind. The importance of your Fitbit device cannot be understated. It tracks your daily activity levels, step counts, heart rate, and even the quality of your sleep. 

In such emergency situations, understanding how to charge your Fitbit without the original charger becomes crucial. This guide will delve into alternative solutions to this common issue, offering step-by-step instructions and tips. From using a USB port or power bank to a wireless charging pad, we’ll explore how to keep your smartwatch powered up.

How to Charge Fitbit Without Charger?

Charging your Fitbit device without its original charger might seem like a challenging task, but there are alternative methods to power up your fitness tracker. Here are 5 different methods to consider:How to Charge Fitbit Without Charger

  1. Wall Charger or Smartphone Adaptor: Even if you don’t have the original Fitbit charger, you can use a standard USB wall adapter. Just ensure you have the correct charging cable for your Fitbit model.
  2. Laptop/PC Port: A USB port on your computer can serve as a power source. Connect your Fitbit to the computer using the appropriate charging cable.
  3. Power Bank: Portable power banks are a great way to charge on the go. Connect your Fitbit to the power bank using the charging cable. Ensure the power bank has sufficient charge to power your device.
  4. DIY Fitbit Charger: With a bit of effort, you can create your own makeshift charger. However, always ensure you’re using compatible and safe components.
  5. Wireless Charging Pad: Some Fitbit models are compatible with wireless charging pads. If your device supports this, simply place it on the pad to initiate charging.

Remember, while these methods can be effective, they might not charge your Fitbit as quickly as the original charger. Always monitor the charging process to ensure your device is charging safely.

5 Ways to Charge Fitbit Without Charger:

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to misplace or forget your Fitbit charger. But fret not! There are alternative methods to ensure your Fitbit stays powered up. Here are five unique ways to charge your Fitbit without its original charger:

Use a Wall Charger:

Utilizing a wall charger is akin to the traditional method of charging most electronic devices. It’s a straightforward process that provides a steady flow of power, ensuring your Fitbit gets charged efficiently. The convenience of using a wall charger is unparalleled, especially when you’re at home or in an office setting.

  1. Locate an Adaptor: Ensure you have a wall charger adaptor that fits the USB port of your Fitbit device charging cable.
  2. Connect to Electrical Outlet: Plug the adaptor into an electrical outlet.
  3. Attach Fitbit Device: Using your Fitbit device charging cable, connect your Fitbit tracker or smartwatch to the adaptor.
  4. Monitor Charging: Keep an eye on the battery percentage to avoid overcharging issues. Remember, cheap wall chargers might not provide a steady flow of power, leading to potential high voltage risks.

Use Reliable Power Bank:

Power banks have revolutionized the way we keep our devices charged, especially during travels. They offer the flexibility to charge on the move, ensuring that your Fitbit remains functional even during long journeys or outdoor adventures.

  1. Choose a Trustworthy Brand: Opt for a power bank from a reliable company.
  2. Connect Your Fitbit: Using the Fitbit charging cable, link your Fitbit to the portable power bank.
  3. Enjoy the Convenience: Whether you’re at a picnic or sipping tea, ensure your electronic devices, including your Fitbit, are charged fully. Some power banks even offer multiple ports for simultaneous charging.

Use a Laptop or PC Port:

Computers are ubiquitous, and their USB ports can be a lifesaver when you’ve forgotten your Fitbit charger. While it might take a tad longer, charging via a computer is a handy method, especially if you’re working or browsing.

  1. Find a USB Port: On your laptop or PC, locate an available USB port.
  2. Connect Your Fitbit: Using the Fitbit Charging Cable, attach your Fitbit tracker or smartwatch.
  3. Wait Patiently: Charging via a computer might take longer to fully charge compared to the original charger. So, take a break and be patient.

Make Your Own Fitbit Charger:

Embracing the DIY spirit can be both rewarding and practical. Creating your own Fitbit charger not only gives you a sense of accomplishment but also ensures you have a backup charging method in emergencies.

  1. Gather Materials: You’ll need a USB data cable, nail cutter, scissor, sharp knife, and adhesive tape.
  2. Preparation: Using the nail cutter or sharp knife, expose the connector part of the cable to reveal the inner wires.
  3. Identify Wires: Focus on the red and black wires. These will connect to the metal terminals of your Fitbit watch or fitness bands.
  4. Secure Connections: Ensure the wires are connected properly. Use adhesive tape if necessary.
  5. Test: Connect the DIY Fitbit charger to a wall charger, power bank, or laptop/PC. If done correctly, your Fitbit should start charging now. For a more visual guide, consider watching a mechanic video on the topic.

Use a Replaceable Battery:

For those using specific Fitbit models, the option to replace batteries can be a game-changer. It eliminates the need for charging altogether, ensuring you’re always ready to track your fitness goals.

  1. Check Compatibility: Not all Fitbits support this. Limited Fitbit models like Fitbit Zip, Fitbit One, Inspire HR, Alta, Ace 2, Ionic, Charge, and Versa 3 have this feature.
  2. Replace Old Battery: Once you’ve confirmed your model supports replaceable batteries, switch out the old battery for a new one.
  3. Permanent Solution: While not always the most convenient, having a stock of rechargeable batteries ensures you’re never running out of battery life. If unsure, contact the Fitbit team with your model details.

Remember, while these methods are effective, always prioritize safety and ensure you’re not compromising your device’s health.

How To Charge A Fitbit If You Lost Your Fitbit Charger?

If you’ve ever exclaimed, “I lost my Fitbit charger!”, you’re not alone. But fret not, powering up your Fitbit device without its original charger is entirely feasible. Here are some alternative ways to charge your Fitbit without the charger:

DIY Fitbit Charger:

  1. With a little ingenuity, you can create your own Fitbit charger. All you need is an extra data cable and a nail cutter.
  2. There are numerous YouTube guides that can walk you through the process. It’s a temporary solution until you can arrange a compatible Fitbit charger.

Use PC or Laptop Port:

  1. If you have the Fitbit charging cable, connect one end to a charged laptop or PC.
  2. Plug the other end into your Fitbit device securely.
  3. Note: Charging via USB ports on computers might be slower than the official charger.

Use a Power Bank:

  1. If you have a power bank, it can be a lifesaver. Connect your Fitbit smartwatch to a fully charged portable power bank.
  2. Ensure the power bank is providing adequate power for the charging process.

Wall Adapter:

  1. If you possess a wall adapter that supports USB charging, it can be used.
  2. Ensure the adapter has the necessary power output for charging your device.

How to Charge Fitbit Luxe Without Charger?

Fitbit Luxe, one of the latest editions of Fitbit devices, typically uses a magnetic charger. If you’ve lost your Fitbit Luxe charger, here’s how you can charge the fitness tracker:

  1. Laptop Port: Connect the USB part of your Fitbit charging cable to a charged laptop. Attach the other USB end to your Fitbit Luxe.
  2. Power Bank: For on-the-go charging, connect the USB end of the charging cable to a power bank and the other end to your Fitbit Luxe.
  3. Wall Charger: Plug the USB end of the Fitbit charging cable into an adaptor and use an electrical outlet.

How to Charge Fitbit Versa Without Charger?

The Fitbit Versa, a popular smartwatch, has different editions like Versa, Versa 2, and Versa 3. If you’ve lost or forgot your charger at home, here are some temporary solutions:

  1. USB Port: Connect your Versa, Versa 2, or Versa 3 to a computer or laptop using the Fitbit charging cable.
  2. Power Bank: Use a fully charged power bank to provide power to your smartwatch.
  3. Wall Adapter: A wall adapter that supports USB charging can be used, ensuring it provides the necessary power output.

Make Your Own DIY Fitbit Charger:

If you’re feeling crafty, you can create a DIY Fitbit charger:

  1. Gather an extra data cable and a nail cutter.
  2. Follow a YouTube guide to understand the process in detail.

How to Verify Fitbit Charging

Ensuring your Fitbit is juicing up properly is essential for uninterrupted tracking. Here’s a unique approach to check if your Fitbit is charging:

Look for the Charging Icon:

Once you’ve deftly managed to connect your Fitbit device to a power source, keep a keen eye out for the charging icon.

This little symbol will make its appearance on your Fitbit’s screen, giving you a clear indication that it’s drawing in power. For an extra layer of assurance, double-check that your Fitbit’s terminals are snugly connected.

Monitor the Percentage:

Certain Fitbit models are kind enough to display the battery percentage alongside the charging symbol. It’s like a progress bar for your Fitbit’s energy levels. Watch as the percentage steadily increases, reassuring you that your device is replenishing its power reserves.

Peek at the App:

For a more convenient way to verify your Fitbit’s charging status, open the Fitbit app on your smartphone. Navigate to your Profile and there you’ll find the battery level of your Fitbit device, complete with a battery symbol and the ever-increasing battery percentage. It’s a wireless way to keep an eye on your Fitbit’s vitality.

Feel the Vibration:

Some Fitbit devices have a nifty feature – they vibrate to indicate they’re properly connected to the charger. This gentle vibration serves as a good sign, confirming that your Fitbit is indeed in the process of charging.

Follow the LED Light:

Certain Fitbit models, like the Fitbit Alta, have LED lights that reveal their charging status. When connected to the charger, these LED lights will illuminate, indicating that your device has begun its charging journey. Keep an eye out for this subtle yet reassuring visual cue.

Tips to Charge Your Fitbit Safely:

Charging your Fitbit safely is paramount to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Use the Official Charger:

While it might be tempting to use any available charger, it’s vital to stick with the official charger that came with your Fitbit. Third-party or non-official chargers might not be compatible and could even damage your device. The original charger is designed specifically for your Fitbit’s power requirements.

Clean the Charging Contacts:

Before you plug in your Fitbit, take a moment to inspect and clean the charging contacts on both the device and the charger. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate, potentially hindering the charging process. A soft cloth is usually sufficient to wipe away any impurities.

Use a Compatible Power Source:

Your Fitbit can be charged using various sources, such as a computer’s USB port or a wall adapter. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the power source is compatible with your device. An incompatible or unstable power source could result in insufficient charging or even damage.

Don’t Overcharge:

While it’s convenient to leave your Fitbit charging overnight, it’s best to unplug it once it’s fully charged. Overcharging can strain the battery, reducing its overall lifespan. Additionally, prolonged charging can lead to increased device temperatures, which might affect its components.

Keep The Charging Port Dry:

Water and electronics don’t mix. Always ensure that the charging port and terminals of your Fitbit are dry before connecting the charger. Charging a wet device can lead to short circuits and permanent damage.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures:

Your Fitbit is designed to operate within certain temperature ranges. Charging it in extremely cold or hot environments can negatively impact battery performance and might even damage the device.

Check the Manufacturer’s Guidelines:

Each Fitbit model might have specific charging requirements or recommendations. Before charging, it’s a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for your particular model. This ensures that you’re charging your device correctly, maximizing its lifespan and performance.

Common Problems While Charging a Fitbit Device:

Fitbit devices are fantastic tools for tracking your fitness and health goals, but even the best gadgets can encounter some charging hiccups.

If you’re a Fitbit owner, you may have encountered a few issues while trying to juice up your device. Let’s explore some common Fitbit charging issues and discover practical solutions to keep your Fitbit powered and ready.

Fitbit Battery Issues:

One of the most frustrating problems Fitbit users face is when their device doesn’t hold a charge as it should. If your Fitbit’s battery seems to drain quickly, it can be a real headache.

To combat this issue and prolong your device’s lifespan, consider replacing the battery. A fresh battery can breathe new life into your Fitbit, ensuring it stays charged for longer periods.

Charging Cable Problems:

Another common headache is dealing with charging cable problems. Sometimes, your Fitbit won’t charge because of a loose connection or a cable that isn’t plugged in properly.

If you notice a damaged cable, it’s best to invest in a new one. Ensuring your charging cable is in good condition is essential for reliable charging.

Charging Port Issues:

If your Fitbit has been exposed to moisture or dirt, it can lead to charging port issues. A wet or dirty charging port can prevent your device from charging correctly.

The solution is simple: clean the charging ports with a soft cloth. This straightforward maintenance step can work wonders in getting your Fitbit back to charging as it should.

Power Source Problems:

Sometimes, the issue isn’t with your Fitbit but with the power source. If your Fitbit isn’t charging when connected to a wall socket, try plugging it into a different power source, like a laptop or a power bank. A strong and stable power source is crucial to ensure your Fitbit device charges consistently.

Overheating Issues:

Prolonged charging can cause your Fitbit to overheat, potentially affecting its battery performance. Overcharging and exposing your device to high-temperature environments can exacerbate this issue.

To avoid overheating problems, make sure to unplug your Fitbit once it’s fully charged and keep it in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Is it Possible to Charge a Fitbit Without Charger?

Indeed, charging a Fitbit without its official charger is feasible. There are several DIY methods to consider. You can utilize a power bank, connect it to USB ports on a laptop or PC, or even use replaceable batteries if your Fitbit model supports them.

Can I Safely Charge a Fitbit With a Phone Charger?

In situations where you’re without the official Fitbit charger, you might consider using a smartphone charger. It’s crucial to ensure the phone charger has a USB port and provides adequate power.

However, always remember that this is a temporary solution for emergencies. The official Fitbit charger is always the recommended option for safety and efficiency.

Does Fitbit Devices Support Wireless Charging?

Officially, Fitbit devices do not come with wireless charging support. However, there are some unofficial alternatives in the market.

If you’re considering this route, always check the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure compatibility. And, as a best practice, always use the original Fitbit charging cable when possible.

How Long Does it Take to Fully Charge Fitbit From Dead?

The duration to charge a Fitbit device can differ based on its model. On average, it takes about 2 hours to bring a completely drained Fitbit back to life. However, always refer to your specific model’s guidelines for accurate charging times.

What To Do If The Fitbit Device Is Not Charging Properly?

If you encounter issues with your Fitbit not charging as it should, start by troubleshooting. Ensure that the charger connection is secure and that the cable is in good condition.

If you’re using a DIY Fitbit charger method, follow the instructions carefully. Sometimes, the issue might be with the power source or the cable itself.

Can an iPhone Charger Charge a Fitbit Device?

Fitbit devices are designed with specific charging docks and cables. An iPhone charger, unfortunately, is not compatible. It’s always best to use the original Fitbit charger to ensure safety and efficiency.

Can I charge my Fitbit overnight?

Yes, you can charge your Fitbit overnight. However, to maintain the health of the battery, it’s advisable to unplug the device once it’s fully charged. This helps in preventing overcharging, which can lead to battery damage over time.


Although there are various methods to charge your Fitbit device without its original charger, it’s essential to be cautious. Don’t leave your Fitbit connected to a USB port on a computer or laptop for an extended period, as this can reduce the lifespan of your tracker. These tactics are best viewed as temporary solutions for critical situations. Utilizing a portable power bank or a USB wall adapter can be handy, but always aim to use the original charger when possible.

This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to power up a dead Fitbit, so there’s no need to worry about running out of battery. If you found this article beneficial, please share it to help others. For any further queries or information, feel free to drop a comment below. Always strive for the best and keep tracking your body fitness!

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