How To Set Time In Goqii Smart Watch?

The Goqii Smart Watch is not just another wearable; it’s a testament to the fusion of technology and health. Designed to be your reliable companion, this feature-packed device is instrumental in helping you monitor and achieve your fitness and health milestones.

But, like any precision instrument, its efficacy is tied to its calibration. In the case of the Goqii Smart Watch, this calibration is the accurate setting of time. The importance of this cannot be overstated. From step counts to sleep tracking, the time setting ensures the data’s accuracy.

This article is your comprehensive guide, meticulously crafted to walk you through the nuances of setting the time on your Goqii Smart Watch. Beyond the mechanics of time-setting, we’ll also delve into tips and tricks to harness the full potential of your smartwatch, ensuring you remain organized, efficient, and always a step ahead in your daily tasks and overarching goals.

How to Set Time in GOQii Smart Watch?

In the digital age, time is more than just hours and minutes; it’s the backbone of accuracy. Setting the time on your Goqii Smart Watch is a task that combines simplicity with importance. Before you embark on this journey, ensure your watch and smartphone are connected via Bluetooth. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Pairing: Initiate a Bluetooth connection between your devices. This is the foundation upon which the time synchronization will be built.
  2. Syncing: Once connected, the Goqii Smart Watch will automatically draw the time from your mobile device, ensuring both devices are in perfect harmony.
  3. Reflection: Any tweaks to your smartphone’s time will be instantaneously mirrored on your Goqii Smart Watch.

How To Set Time In Goqii Smart WatchBy religiously following these steps, you ensure that your smartwatch is always in sync with the world around you, making it a reliable tool in your health and fitness journey.

How to Reset Time in GOQii Smart Watch:

Time is fluid, and there might be instances where you need to reset it. With the Goqii Smart Watch, this process is intuitive and user-friendly. Here’s your roadmap:

  1. Dive into the time setting on your mobile device.
  2. Make the necessary adjustments to reflect the correct time.
  3. Almost magically, your Goqii Smart Watch will update itself, showcasing the new time.

It’s crucial to remember that once the initial bond is formed between your smartwatch and mobile device, they remain in constant sync. This symbiotic relationship ensures that your watch always displays the correct time, come rain or shine.

How To Change Time in GOQii Smart Watch:

Time changes, and so should your smartwatch. Adjusting the time on your Goqii Smart Watch is a breeze, thanks to its intuitive design:

  1. Kickstart the process by ensuring the Goqii Smart Watch app is active on your device.
  2. Establish a Bluetooth connection between your smartwatch and mobile device.
  3. Venture into the time and date settings on your mobile device and make your desired changes.
  4. Without any manual intervention, your Goqii Smart Watch will update itself, reflecting the new time.

With the power of the GOQii app and a stable Bluetooth connection, your smartwatch becomes a true reflection of time, always accurate and always reliable.

How to Set Time in Goqii Smart Watch: Troubleshooting Issues:

Technology, while revolutionary, isn’t without its quirks. If you’re facing challenges with the time display on your Goqii Smart Watch, don’t fret. The culprits could be incorrect time zone settings or minor connectivity issues. Here’s a troubleshooting guide:

  1. Begin by scrutinizing the time zone settings on your mobile device. A mismatch here could throw the time off on your smartwatch.
  2. If the issue persists, consider giving your watch a soft reset or re-establishing the sync with your smartphone.

Armed with these tips, you’ll ensure that your Goqii Smart Watch always displays the correct time, making it a reliable tool in your daily life.

How do I set the time on my GOQii smartwatch?

Time is of the essence, and setting it on your GOQii Smartwatch is a task that marries simplicity with precision. Here’s your blueprint:

  1. Begin by connecting your GOQii Smartwatch to your mobile device.
  2. Once this bond is formed, your smartwatch will automatically synchronize, drawing the time from your mobile device.

This seamless integration ensures that any changes made on your mobile device are instantly reflected on your GOQii Smart Watch, making it a true companion in your journey through time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How To Change/ Update Date And Time On My GOQii Tracker?

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Your GOQii Tracker and Phone:

Your GOQii Tracker is a smart device that thrives on its connection with your phone. The date and time on your tracker are automatically updated when linked to the GOQii app on your phone. To ensure a seamless experience, make sure your phone’s motion sensor is linked to the GOQii app.

If it’s already linked, you can unlink it by clicking on the phone icon located in the top left-hand corner of the GOQii home screen.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Time and Date Synchronization:

Before you start, ensure that your GOQii Tracker is fully charged and that your phone’s Internet, Bluetooth, and GPS location (for Android users) are activated.

Note that no other GOQii Band should be paired with your phone’s Bluetooth. If one is, select ‘Forget that device.’ Navigate to the home screen and tap on ‘Tracker not Linked.’

This will direct you to the Apps/Devices Screen. Select ‘GOQii Tracker’ and click on the green tick mark. Follow the tutorial screens until you reach the ‘Search option.’ Your app will then start searching for the nearest GOQii tracker.

Once detected, you’ll have the option to ‘Send Link Request.’ Tap on the ‘+ or heart sign’ on your tracker to complete the link. Voila! Your date and time will sync automatically with your phone.

My GOQii Band is showing an incorrect date and time, how do I fix this?

The Issue at Hand:

If your GOQii Band is displaying incorrect date and time, the first place to look is the settings section in the GOQii App. The app serves as the control center for your GOQii Band, and it’s crucial for troubleshooting any discrepancies.

The Quick Fix:

Navigate to the settings section within the GOQii App. Here, you can adjust the date and time settings to ensure they align with your GOQii Band. Once the settings are corrected, your band should reflect the accurate date and time.

How do I activate my GOQii smart watch?

The Initial Touch:

To activate your GOQii smart watch, gently touch the screen for 3-5 seconds. Wait for the device to transition into Active Mode. This is the first step in unlocking the full potential of your smartwatch.

The Final Steps:

After the screen transitions to Active Mode, remove the device from your pocket if it’s there. Plug it into a USB port by gently pushing it from behind. Your GOQii smart watch is now activated and ready to assist you in your health and fitness journey.

How do I connect my GOQii watch to my phone?

The Starting Point:

To connect your GOQii watch to your phone, head to the home screen and navigate to the Apps/Devices Screen. Here, you’ll see a green tick mark, which is your cue to proceed.

The Connection Process:

Click through the tutorial screens until you reach the ‘Search option.’ Initiate the search, and the app will look for the nearest GOQii core. Once detected, you’ll see an option to ‘Send Link Request.’ Tap on the ‘+ or heart sign’ on your tracker to link it. Your GOQii watch is now connected and synced, and the date and time will be automatically updated.

Is GOQii watch compatible with iPhone?

Compatibility Overview:

Yes, the GOQii watch is compatible with iPhones. It’s designed to sync wirelessly not just with Android but also with iOS devices. This makes it a versatile choice for users who are part of the Apple ecosystem.

The Syncing Process:

Your GOQii band will sync effortlessly with your iPhone, allowing you to keep track of your health metrics without any hitches. Whether you’re an Android or an iOS user, the GOQii watch offers a seamless experience across platforms.


The Goqii Smart Watch is more than just a wearable; it’s a testament to precision and reliability. Setting the correct time on it is not just a task but a commitment to accuracy. This simple process, distilled into a few easy steps, ensures that you can always rely on your smartwatch for all your fitness and health tracking needs. However, if you ever find yourself grappling with time-related challenges, remember that the Goqii customer support team is just a call away, ready to guide you through any hurdles

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